Integrated Value Networking (IVN) uses the affordances of modern neural networks to communicate and improve the structure of US Federal laws, regulations, policies, strategies and performance metrics.
From OMB A-123, Management's Responsibility for Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control: "Federal leaders and managers are responsible for...a governance structure defined through...sources, including laws...Executive directives and Agency policies."
The above network, the Federal Governance Structure, maps US Executive Branch governance as an interdependent system of requirements, connected by legal and policy mandates.
The purpose of the IVN project is to represent Federal governance (laws, policies, rules, goals and metrics), as an interdependent network of requirements, connected by mandates from policies and laws. The intent is to increase situational awareness about the structure of Federal requirements, improve command and control, discover unknown stakeholders, and improve visibility into the supply and demand across requirements to deliver results.
IVNs support changes to budgets, staff, operations, plans, policy, legislation and programs. Multiple Federal agencies are acting on their IVNs and realizing benefits. IVN networks provide a shared, simple design to facilitate systemic change, mitigate competing priorities, align incentives, find and build consensus, build more useful performance metrics, and set mission and vision.
IVN products include responses to Congressional and White House inquiries, regulatory change, new offices, strategic plans, Federal policies, new operations, Presidential transition guidance, and legislative proposals.
Long-term vision includes working with OMB to explore integrating the President's Management Agenda, Executive Orders and Agency Priority Goals with Agency strategic plan objectives, directives and performance measures. This integration would enable a network connecting POTUS priorities, strategies, offices, operations, performance measures, policies and Public Laws across the Executive Branch.
Joining forces to create value: The emergence of an innovation ecosystem, Pushpananthan, G., Elmquist, M.
Explaining the attacker's advantage: Technological paradigms, organizational dynamics, and the value network, C. Christensen, R. Rosenbloom, Research Policy, Volume 24, Issue 2, March 1995, Pages 233-257.
2002: The Future of Knowledge: Increasing Prosperity Through Value Networks. Verna Allee. ISBN 0-7506-7591-8, ISBN 978-0-7506-7591-8.
Because the IVN depicts policy products as nodes of an information network, that network can be depicted as a network diagram. Browse the IVM network diagram in Flourish Studio -
A series of short YouTube videos -
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